Dear Students of Dogwarts:

We wanted to thank you for attending Dogwarts this past semester. It was an honour and a privilege to host you!

As we bid a fond farewell to Dogwarts, Dogsmeade Village, our four amazing Houses and everything that made this year such a success, we wanted to pay special thanks to the following individuals who could not be at Fur-Eh! this year:

We also wanted to thank:

For your enjoyment, our 2017 Fur-Eh! Con Book (also known as “Dogwarts School Annual 2017”) is now available for you to download as a PDF.

Now before we apparate to Paws Vegas, we thought we’d give you some statistics & news:

Check out our Flickr page for photos by our volunteer staff photographers. You can also add your own photos to our Flickr if you have a Flickr account.

And, remember, you will always be a part of Dogwarts and of your House. (Thank you, sorting collar!)