Welcome to Our New Staff!

We are pleased to announce our newest Staff that will be joining us for Fur-Eh! 2017.

Breezy – Retail Lead

Volunteering for us in the Con Store last year, we knew right away that Breezy would be a great choice to run the Con Store officially in 2017. We are happy to welcome Breezy to the team!


Jakey – Signage Lead

New to Fur-Eh!, Jakey will be responsible for making sure that Guests know where things are with signage! As well, he’ll be providing custom banners and other materials for the con.

WoleverWuff  – Fursuit Track Lead

An avid fursuiter, WoleverWuff has helped out with Fur-Eh’s Fursuit Games and hosting fursuit-related panesl for the past couple of years. This year, he joins us as the Fursuit Track Lead!

Silver Hoof – AV Head

Silver Hoof brings a wealth of experience with lighting, sound and general Audio/Visual to Fur-Eh! Having helped out tremendously last year, we’re thrilled to have him on the Fur-Eh! staff officially this year.

Blackpaw – Writing Track Lead

The writing track is in good hands (paws?) with Aaron Blackpaw. A writer himself, he will endeavour to expand and refine Fur-Eh’s already strong Writing Track.

Konar – Volunteer Lead

Volunteers will have a great coordinator and leader, ensuring that they know what they are doing and when they are doing it! Our Volunteers are one of the most important aspects of Fur-Eh!, so we’re thrilled to have Konar take on this role.

mBlade – Parade Manager

The Fur-Eh! Parade took a huge step last year becoming an outdoor event and expanding its focus and, in 2017, mBlade will hope to take the Fur-Eh! Parade to the next level! Look for exciting news about the parade in the months to come!


Thank you to all that applied for these positions! We have more Staff postings available at https://goo.gl/forms/bkvqP7vI70Ime26c2, so please apply if you’re interested in joining our team!